Steam rising from boiling pot of chicken and tomato souce.
Oferta Stefik Cebula Smazona 200g

Country pot with fried onion from Stefik

Level of difficulty: easy
Preparation time: 40 minutes
Serving: For 4 persons
Dish type: Main course/served hot
Caloric value: About 270 kcal.


  • Ring of sausage
  • 4 slices of smoked bacon
  • Packing of fried onion from Stefik
  • 2 large red peppers
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • A teaspoon of sugar
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 grains of allspice
  • A handful of sauerkraut
  • Broth
  • Optional: fresh or garlic bread


Besprinkle a small amount of olive oil into a pot and then fry the cubed sausage and bacon. Cut the red pepper into strips, finely shred the sauerkraut and squeeze the garlic through a squeezer. Combine the ingredients, add fried onion and a glass of broth.

After 10 minutes, add bay leaf and allspice, season as desired and add a glass of broth again. Cook to tender and to obtain a perfect texture.

Serve with fresh bread.